Service Providers

In this category, we represent Service providers in the education industry that faciliate or administer study or work abroad programs with offering services of all kinds. Click for more information.

Do you want to be part of this directory? Then join with your free or premium profile as an educational service.

Following are all other service providers, looking for agents and education provider worldwide to promote their services.

What are service providers in the education sector?

Service providers in the education industry faciliate or administer study or work abroad programs with offering services of all kinds. Examples for service providers are:

  • organizations, companies and institutions that facilitate or administer study abroad programs in the welcoming countries and offer the services agents and providers need for their program participants on site
  • associations, interest groups and umbrella organizations for educational institutions like schools, universities and voluntary work providers
  • associations, interest groups and umbrella organizations for agents and recruiting agencies
  • insurance companies, tour operators, accomodation and guardianship services
  • networking fairs, education platforms, software providers, marketing tools

About us

Think new! is the new b2b site for the education industry. We provide state-of-the-art and easy-to-use web- and virtual meeting solutions for educational institutions, agents and service providers. is presented by International Education Network with more than 20 years of experience in the edu sector.

All you need in b2b education!

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Education providers, agents and service providers can join the Edu-Connector for free.

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Participation in virtual fairs

Taking part as a participant in our virtual fairs is free of charge. As a exhibitor you book for booth prior to the event. For premium members reduced prices are offered.

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International Education Network GmbH & Co. KG
Castle Cappenberg
59379 Selm-Cappenberg

 +49 2306 758882

 +49 2306 758882