Xplore Foundation – Travel 2 Grow

XP Foundation – Travel 2 Grow is a not for profit organization committed to promote global youth exchange, worldwide friendship, global citizenship and understanding. We focus particularly on education, adventure and sports. XP Foundation is happy to welcome and host both individuals as well as small and large groups onto its programs. We are proudly working in close partnership with both public- and private schools as well as sporting clubs and state sporting associations. 

So in essence XP Foundation – Travel 2 Grow Germany offers programs in Germany as well as programs for German students to travel and study abroad. 

Do you have kids & teens interested in cross-cultural language and/or sports camps in summer or autumn?

Do you have students interested in spending a month, term, semester or even a full school year at a German High School?

Then please contact us and become a partner in our global our network. We’d love to hear from you and – hopefully soon – call you a friend rather than a business partner! 

Xplore Foundation gGmbH
Ballindamm 27
20095 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 429 336 06
Web: https://www.xplorefoundation.com
E-mail: hallo@xplorefoundation.com

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Think new! Edu-Connector.com is the new b2b site for the education industry. We provide state-of-the-art and easy-to-use web- and virtual meeting solutions for educational institutions, agents and service providers.

Edu-Connector.com is presented by International Education Network with more than 20 years of experience in the edu sector.

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International Education Network GmbH & Co. KG
Castle Cappenberg
59379 Selm-Cappenberg

 +49 2306 758882

 +49 2306 758882
